Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Holy Time Warp, Batman!

Man, it's been a while. If I waited just two more months, it will have been a full year since I last blogged. Bad blogger, bad! Alright, so let's skip the public flogging and move straight on to the updates. What has happened in the ever exciting and fast paced, thrilling life of Kelly in the last 10 months. HA! You really didn't think I was serious there, did you?

First and most life altering, after almost 5 wonderful years at my employer, the crappy housing economy forced several budget cuts, leading to me being laid off last September. It really sucks. There are some days when I really, REALLY miss working there and others when I happy and content staying home with the kids. We decided to allow me the opportunity to be the stay-at-home parent I always wanted to be and most days it is truly full-filling and I enjoy every moment. Other days, I just miss my friends from work, my boss (who I would probably count into the friends category), I miss the repetition of having a reason to get up and dressed and out the door looking presentable, social interaction with adults. But then, my little one runs full-out into my arms and just yells MOMMY! like it's the best word in the world, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Camille is now 2(!) and into everything she can get her hands on. One of her current favorite activities includes stealing toilet paper (issue in Milly speak) and wiping down all reachable surfaces. She loves bubble baths and berries (strawberry, blueberry, you name it), although not together.

Celeste just turned 7 earlier this month and is still all princess. She had her first sleep-over at a friends house and had soo much fun, she and her friend have had several more sleep-overs. She is finishing up first grade next week and is such a good reader now, I'm so proud of her. Celeste is still involved in Girl Scouts and has a blast with her troop. They have volunteered twice at our local SPCA and were supposed to volunteer at a local big cat rescue center, but had to cancel due to inclement weather.

We are currently in the early planning phase for Kaitlyn's Sweet 16 birthday party. I can't believe my baby is going to be 16 in 7 months. We've had the thrill of first boyfriends and heart-ache of first break-ups this year. She's been asking about getting her driver's permit and a job over the summer! Eek! She'll be heading to High School next year and is a proud member of the marching band. They've already started practice sessions for next year's routine and there will be Saturday practices as well as a 2 week camp to look forward to this summer. She has a close group of great friends that will luckily be attending the same high school, so she is definitely looking forward to this.

I'm really going to try harder at blogging. If anyone can explain to me how being unemployed has interfered with my online time, I'd appreciate it. I barely have time lately to check out my favorite Twilight fanfics (newest guilty obsession), check my email and that's about it. I really need to learn to manage my time better. I'm looking for some daily reasons to blog. So far, I've got the Menu Plan Mondays (which I really need to get back into) and there's always Wordless Wednesdays. Got any suggestions for me???

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