My mom picked up the older girls on Thursday for a sleep-over - what a treat to have just the baby at home! Friday, we went over to her house and BBQ'd and then went over to the county fairgrounds for their Sparklebration celebration and to watch fireworks. Unfortunately, less than 30 minutes after getting there, the skies let loose and it
We all slept in a little later than usual on Saturday and then the girls and I went and did our weekly shopping. We picked up some water squirters from Target and the girls played in the sprinklers with those for a while. We had an amazing dinner, complete with our own watermelon eating contest (Celeste won!), and then played Scrabble together.
Today has been a nice relaxing day. We took the girls to see Wall-E. Such a good movie and I love the message - we have to take care of our Earth. It was neat to see the realization on Celeste's face that the longer people were lazy, the bigger they would get and the harder it was for them to not be lazy. We played some hide and seek and now the kids are getting in bed.
I hope everyone has had as good a weekend as we've had. I love family weekends.
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