Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Been gone and Twilight.

So, I've gone and done it again. Been a while since I've last posted, sorry about that. Kaitlyn just got back today from her 2 week vacation to visit her aunt in TN. Made me realize that I take for granted just how much she helps out around the house, and just how much I miss her when she's not here. I'm glad that she's home now, and not just because she sweeps the floors. lol

Work has also been surprisingly busy. The housing market is definitely not a stable environment, so I'm happy that we're busy, but (and I'll never admit this to my boss!) work is where I type up most of my blog posts so that's been slacking.

Oh, and I think I'm in love with another man. Maybe you've heard of him? His name is Edward Cullen - and btw, Robert Pattison is *NOT* the Edward Cullen I imagine (he better be good in the movie!). Oh, it's not like I'm going to leave my husband or anything, he is a fictional character after-all. But, I am embarrassingly admitting that I am ass-over-tea-kettle obsessed with the Twilight Saga. I bought the first book last Thursday, started reading it on Friday and finished the 3rd book yesterday. That's three 500+ page books in 5 days - I wasn't even able to get through the Harry Potter books that quickly. Embarrassed why? These books are aimed at the young adult section, that's why. Whatever.
Now I find myself wondering what I am supposed to do with myself until August 2nd, when Breaking Dawn comes out. As long as Stephanie Meyer (the author) doesn't pull a Christopher Pike and make it all have been a dream sequence, I think I'll be ok with however it ends. Who will Bella choose? Oh, please, we know the answer to that one - don't we? What will Jacob do? Will Alice go overboard on the wedding? - I think we know the answer to that one too. Should I re-read the first three? I suppose I should clean my house, or maybe pay attention to my husband. Eh. Shhh, I'm just kidding!

So will anyone else out there be at a bookstore at 12:01am August 2nd? I'm pretty sure I will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly!
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Through Box Tops for Education’s online Marketplace program, schools can earn up to $20,000 apiece each year by shopping online at the more than 70 stores that participate – all at no extra cost to the consumer.

If you’re interested in getting involved, we’d love to send you a $50 gift card to redeem at the Box Tops Marketplace, and enhance your first experience shopping via the site.

We hope that you will share your experience & encourage further support for education with your readers through your blog.

Thanks so much, and looking forward to hearing back from you soon!