Saturday, October 27, 2007


Well, for now it's just one birdie. But there will be more! I found this pattern on Ravelry, and it is oh so cute! Quick and easy to make, also. I started this one this morning and am already more than half way through a second one.
Anywhoosle, I plan on making a small flock of these, a little birdie family if you will, to be a Christmas present for Camille. She will love them. They are just the right size, and the wings and tail will be perfect for gnawing on. lol I'm not to keen on the eyes, but I didn't want to use buttons or anything, same goes for the beak. I'm afraid she might yank/gnaw those off and choke on them.

1 comment:

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

That is one of the cutest little birds! I love it!!