Monday, December 3, 2007

Holiday Traditions Festival

Melissa over at Banana Migraine is hosting the Holiday Traditions Festival, a fun way for everyone to share their family's holiday traditions. Head on over to her blog to see more traditions and ideas, or to join in and share your holiday traditions!

Every year, one of the first things we do to get in the holiday spirit is to decorate the tree and house, while listening to Christmas music. I always like to try and do this the first weekend in December.

So, this past weekend we dusted off the A Pooh Christmas CD and put up the tree while listening to Pooh and friend's version of The Twelve Days of Chirstmas. We weren't able to get the outside lights up yet, so we'll do that this weekend coming up. I think next year, I'll be asking Santa for some new ornaments and tree decorations. We've had the same decorations and tree since our first Christmas together, in 1998. We will be keeping our angel though. She's always the last thing that Craig adds to the tree. The girls and I sit on the couch and ooh and ahh over the lights while Craig reaches up on tippy toes to position her just right. I can't imagine a different tree topper for our family tree.

Here is a picture of our table decoration. I love snowmen and have collected several different ones. The teddy bears music box is from my childhood - it still works! Celeste loves to listen to it. And an added bonus - in the backround is a photo from our wedding. :)


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I had to get a new tree topper a couple years ago, and the ones they sell now are afwul and there are not very many choices out there. I finally just went to my local florist and they made me a giant bow for the top with ribbons that flowed down. It was very beautiful, but it doesn't keep throughout the year so you have to get a new one each year.

I am so glad you enjoyed the music on my blog. I sat there listening to it yesterday and found that 2 songs cut short. Oh well, it's still beautiful.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Thanks for participating Kelly! :)

I love the angel - we tried to find a nice topper and haven't had luck. Your's is so beautiful.

I love your snowman collection too!

Megan said...

Your angel is lovely. We had a tree for the first time last year and couldn't find a good topper either. Hopefully we'll have better luck this year.