Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Heads or Tails

The theme/prompt for THIS week, July 7, is:
HEADS - "Spin"

Make any kind of post using any version of the word "Spin" as your theme/prompt.

Remember these:

Ahhh, childhood memories. I used to play with my sit 'n spin for hours. Looking back, I'm trying to remember what the appeal was, it's just a boring piece of plastic that you sit on and go round and round. No lights, no noises, no plug-ins - oh wait, that's probably what was so great about it. Powered buy imagination engineering.

Visit the Heads or Tails blog for more!


Ziggy Stardust said...

I do remember these I always wanted one lol.


Hootin Anni said...

I could never do this. I'd be so sick...I just know it.

My HoT is posted now.

sandyland said...

sit and spin walk down memory lane good one sandy

Barb said...

As I was reading I was thinking that's what the appeal was but I see you came to the same conclusion. :)

I wish kids these days were interested in simpler pastimes like this.

Karen said...

We still have one of those and my kids are 24 and 28!

Autumn said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, I loved those things!!