Thursday, June 25, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett

What a sad day.

Although I do know who Farrah Fawcett was, she was kind of before my time. Any kid raised in the eighties though, like me, knows Michael Jackson. I remember being spooked out by the Thriller video, the one white glove, the shiny red jacket, that black fedora hat pushed forward, the flashing lights on the floor from the Billie Jean video, the white socks with the high-water pants and soo much more. I will always remember watching on TV the Motown 25 performance of Billie Jean, where the moon walk was first performed. Amazing doesn't even begin to cover it. I never was able to copy that move.

Regardless of his questionable mentality and charges of child abuse/pedophilia, one cannot argue that the man was a musical genius. So, rest in peace Michael.

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